We pursue quality management    |

Our organisation is oriented towards fulfilling the expectations of our customers. Clear targets and standards determine our actions. Compliance with statutory and official requirements is thereby an absolute condition. 


So as to achieve our goals surely and efficiently we strive to ensure that all internal and external offices which participate in the processes and performances of our company collaborate at all levels.


Through intense qualification, communication and information we wish to make it possible for all offices in our company, concerned with fulfilment of performance, to comply with all requirements made of them.


Our customers

with their requirements and expectations decide on the quality of our products and services. By our expertise in all areas and consequent adherence to promises made, we wish to continually increase customer satisfaction. Through our efficiency we will actively participate in the success of our customers.

Our Staff

are our most important resource. A suitable qualification, well-defined responsibilities and clear targets form the basis of our efficient organisation. A pleasant workplace environment, sufficient information and secure employment ensure the motivation and satisfaction of our employees.

Our Suppliers

represent a considerable factor in ensuring the quality of our products and services. Within the framework of a trustworthy co-operation we wish to communicate the requirements and expectations of our customers. Together we want to increase the advantages of our services for our customers.

Our Organisation

provides the conditions for an efficient partnership with customers and suppliers. Defined processes and documented procedures form a fixed framework for the supply of our services. We wish, however, to retain a certain flexibility so as to be able to react both to our customers' demands dynamically and quickly and to changes on the market.

Our Products

are what we wish to use to further enhance our image. Through high-quality plants and fans and by means of innovative solutions we wish to increase our technological lead, to develop attractive spheres of business and to open up international markets.

Our Efficiency

will ensure the future of our company. We do not want to be the cheapest on the market, but to offer in a fair comparison the best prices with regard to the relationship between costs and benefit. Profitable company results ensure its existence and workplaces.

Our Quality

is defined as the "fulfilment of demands". Such demands are made of every individual in our company, both by internal and external customers. Our motto must be never to consciously accept mistakes or their cause. The avoidance of mistakes comes before remedying faults. The constant improvement of our products and processes is a task which must be continually addressed by our staff and management.

Our Environment

One of our main priorities is to protect the environment and to ensure that our industrial processes have as little negative environmental impact as possible. Compliance with all statutory directives is a matter of course. These include, among others, the German Water Management Act, the German Recycling and Waste Management Act and the German Federal Immission Control Act. Raw materials and energy are sparingly and efficiently used. Our motto with regard to residual materials and waste is reuse before recycling before disposal. Our production procedures and products have been shaped with this in mind. Continual improvement is our particular concern in this respect.

Health and safety in the workplace

With relation to our products, but also with regard to the safety of our personnel and of all persons within our sphere of influence, this is a particular moral and ethical concern for us. In doing so, we take as a basis the regulations from the following German laws and directives: Employment Protection Act, Safety at Work Act, Health and Safety at Work Directive and the Directive on Hazardous Materials with their relevant provisions. Our products comply with the high safety standards of the European Community in machine and plant construction (CE). When requested by the customer, we meet, with our management system, furthermore, the requirements for explosion-protected products (ATEX). For the protection of our employees, we place an emphasis on technical and organisational devices for the prevention of accidents. Moreover, we raise the awareness of all our employees towards hazards in the workplace and their avoidance through training and information.

What we do
Objectives and requirements


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备案号:ICP 2023002554    技术支持:镁诚科技